with Mia Martinez’ Afro/Cuban Goddess mantra
“Ide Were Were Diosa Oshun”

The Danish based Cuban-American Puerto Rican singer Mia Martinez released the 4th in a series of World healing soul-jazz singles for joy and connection. The fourth, Ide Were Were Diosa Oshun, is a Nigerian Yoruba mantra to the Goddess Oshun, inviting listeners to see and remember the beauty and love within themselves.

For all of you who want to move and be moved. Yoga centers, healing circles, spontaneous dance and spiritual practitioners. Here are new World music tracks with a soul-jazz vibe aligned with The Age of Aquarius, from healing artist Mia Martinez.

Ide Were Were is a hypnotic reggae prayer based on mantra to the deity Ochun, Goddess of the rivers, inviting you to connect with the divine feminine flow. Mia Martinez chose this mantra for her healing singles inspired by her late father who practiced the traditional Cuban-African Yoruba faith. She learned that Oshun, the Goddess of beauty and love, mother of all sweet things in life, helps to clear away distractions, to focus and see one’s inner beauty and thereby ignite the love within.

Mia Martinez – Vocal, chorus
Peter Michael Jensen – Piano, keyboards
Moussa Diallo – Bass
Marco Diallo – Drums
Lars Fabiansen – Guitar

Lyrics: Mia Martinez / Yoruba mantra (author unknown)
Music: Mia Martinez/Peter Michael Jensen

“Mantras are meant for quieting your mind.
It opens up the heart and raises your vibrational energy.” explains Mia Martinez

Be the PEACE by listening to
Mia Martinez’ mantra groove “All That I Say”

“All That I Say” is soulful jazz chant based on the wellknown mantra ‘Lokah Samastah‘, reaching out to us to bring awareness on the influence we have in what we send out to the world.

“All That I Say” is a gentle reminder that the ripples of your intentions can impact those around you. Mia Martinez is playfully uses a images of jasmin flowers to caress the listeners with love, and ripples of water to soothe, inviting the listener to receive.  The song has a strong message,- everything we do can ultimately bless us all with more joy and peace. 

Mia Martinez – Vocal
Peter Michael Jensen – Piano & keyboards
Tore Hauge – Bass

Lyrics: Mia Martinez
Music: Mia Martinez / Peter Michael Jensen

May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.”
Translation of the mantra ´Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu´ from Sanskrit

Sway into ‘sweet silence’ with
Mia Martinez’ Latin Jazz Lullaby “Silencio Dulce”

“Silencio Dulce”, is a LatinJazz lullaby luring you into stillness to find solace and light.“Silencio Dulce” is a Spanish texted jazz lullaby written over a 95 year old melody by Kurt Weill. The composition is a return to her Latin roots.

Mia Martinez has been inspired by her own life experience of the importance of seeking silence during pressing times. Her deep soulful vocal in Silencio Dulce is inviting the listeners on a true path to resilience. 

“This song is meant to encourage people to seek silence and solitude and not be afraid to go into the darkness – because it’s there, they will find their inner light,” says Mia Martinez.

Mia Martinez – Vocal
Peter Michael Jensen – Piano & keyboards
Morten Grønvad – Vibraphone
Birger Sülsbruck – Congas & percussion

Lyrics: Mia Martinez
Music: Mia Martinez / Peter Michael Jensen / Kurt Weill

Soothe yourself with Mia Martinez’
soulful Mama Earth Bossa “Jai Ma/Song For You”

Jai Ma/Song For You” is a song that came to Mia Martinez on a cold Autumn day while at the beach looking over the sea at Northern Sealand, Denmark. This slow moving Latin Jazz Bossa track is her dialogue with Mother Earth, answering a call to honor her elements, in response to the floodings and fires on the planet. “Jai Ma” is a Sanskrit expression that can be translated as “Great gratitude to the Divine Mother”. 

“I want people to fall into the rhythm and lyrics, dance and feel uplifted, so that they can connect to the energy and true intention to manifest what is really needed.”

Mia Martinez explains, “This single, as well as the upcoming singles being released in 2023/24, are the fruit of more than twenty years of musical and spiritual work.”

Mia Martinez – Vocal
Peter Michael Jensen – Piano & keyboards
Elvio Bravo – Acoustic guitar
Jon Bruland – Bass
Anders Pedersen – Cajón & percussion

Lyrics: Mia Martinez
Music: Mia Martinez & Peter Michael Jensen